[ emily�s sushi bar ]

The Moment, My Pharmacist and The Rules @ Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003

A continuation of my previous entry and some more random stuff....

Perhaps I was overly caffinated, buzzed out by my frozen coffee drink or something, but as I walked down the hall to the salesroom I was overwhelmed by the sight of him leaning against the door jam of his office. The suit, the fake bake tan, spikey hair and, most of all, the way he looks in a suit. I've mentioned before that I like men with a little belly and he has just enough. Not over the belt but something there to lay your head on...sounds crazy, I know. He's losing it a bit, though - new relationships do that to some people, you know.

I looked away just before I knew he'd notice me walking towards him but when I caught him smiling at me I grinned back and hoped that he would want to touch me. I haven't had as much as a hug from a man in over a week after all and I crave human touch constantly. Sure enough he put his hand out for the dreaded High Five but then surprised me by grasping my hand in his, "How's Emily feeling?" he asked because he always talks in third person it seems. "Much better," I replied and noted how warm his hand was against my chilly palm.

He then released me and turned his attention back to the meeting. A quick but memorable moment in this silly girl's mind.

And I think my pharmacist has a crush on me. I could be wacky but something strange happened that makes me think I'm not so wacky. I went in to get my birth control refilled yesterday and when I gave the other woman working there my name he rushed to pull my prescription from beneath the computer...not from the alphabetical shelves where the prescriptions of those who are not so loved by the pharmacist go. He always asks how my day is, smiles and laughs as we struggle to make friendly conversation. He's cute in the geeky way that I love but wears a ring on his left hand.


More manly news: New Guy finally called late Sunday afternoon. "I'm sorry," were practically the very first words out of his mouth. "I'm an asshole for not calling," followed soon after. He said he would definitely call later in the week to let me know what's going on for the big game Saturday (OSU versus Michigan - damned big deal). Well, if he doesn't call by tomorrow night I've already decided to Have Plans. A co-worker is having a party. I don't want to make myself too available do I? Although, I'd be sitting at this party wishing I was at the bar with his friends so we'll see whether or not I cave on that. Besides, letting me know that he'll call is kind of like letting me know that he wants to see me, that we're definitely doing something on Saturday and therefore I shouldn't make other plans.
