[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Biological Weirdness @ Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2004

Tara brought her twin girls in this morning. It felt so good to cuddle a little baby on my lap but it was really strange to sit next to Tim with a baby on my lap.

Too close to near reality for me, thank you.

He asked me to ride with him today - go out on calls with him, etc. - and he seemed rather excited about it. He even planned where we'd go to lunch.

Then he just left. "Hey, aren't I going with you?" I asked.

"Ask Meredith about it...we'll do it some day."

Fickle bastard. Did the sight of me with a baby freak you out? Was it a bit too much to hear me say I wanted six and that my clock was ticking away fiercely?

Probably not but I can always hope that there's one man out there who feels that way.