[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Bored Notes @ Thursday, May. 06, 2004


I wonder if Tim will help me bleach my hair next week. He's offered but let's not talk about what he's offered and never given. But I'd really like to bleach my hair - it's spring, it's time...and perhaps I'll add red highlights. 'Cause I need a change.

Again, I've been thinking about Big a lot. I'd love to go home, clean a bit, take a shower, and hear him come through the door as I'm putting on my shoes so we could go have a cocktail on a patio somewhere before a sushi dinner. Then home to cuddle on the couch and watch the Friends finale which he'd have no interest in but would watch anyway because I love it. Then, most importantly, we'd fall into bed for The Best Lovin' and then I'd sleep with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me.


Last night, the Cinco de Mayo-ers played Drunk Scrabble. I didn't have the heart to tell one player that "parrot" is spelled with two r's. Wish I had because her boyfriend came into the kitchen and pointed it out and I looked dumb for not pointing it out myself. I guess the game of Scrabble should be played ruthlessly.

I'm ready to go home. Take a nap. Work on a pair of earrings I've been thinking about. Make a fabulous dinner. Watch Friends.

Forty five more minutes.