[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Cars are More Trouble than Men @ Monday, Feb. 23, 2004

Well, I saved sixty bucks by being thrifty, not bitchy. I called a tire place and found out that not only could I get a good, dependable tire for thirty bucks cheaper than the $145 the repair shop was charging but also that my spare is a normal sized Michelin tire. So I called and told them not to give me a new tire - put on the spare and I'll replace it with one from Sam's or Walmart or something.

They had already put the tire on and couldn't take it off because it would make it a Used Tire. Whatever. But they knocked off sixty bucks which is what I would have saved buying a spare elsewhere. Same savings, less trouble. It pisses me off, though, because that only means that they were screwing me by orginally upping the price of the tire by almost fifty percent. It may have had nothing to do with me being what they would call a Dumb Girl but it's still wrong.

One of the managers I work with said cars are more trouble than men. I agree. At least a car gets me somewhere.

But I did receive a nice e-mail from John today. He was going to call last night but got home late from a show: "I didn't know how late was too late to call on a school night, so I went with discretion rather than valor." That was nice. I wouldn't have been much of a conversationalist anyway - it's a miracle I didn't break into the vodka last night, know the check I was going to ahve to write today. His e-mails are so nice - he's funny and literate and I can tell he really likes me (and why wouldn't he?)...I can only hope there will be some future chemistry on my part. I didn't feel it at all on Friday. Perhaps if I could fatten him up during the early stages of our relationship it might be different.

I woke up this morning from a dream about Big. It was fresh in my mind when I crawled out of bed but it's forgotten now. As it should be.

Sidenote: My boss gave me the day off - it just wouldn't make sense to come in for two hours after picking up my car - but it never fails...someone always needs something and my phone always rings. I just had to explain how to ship something. Gor forbid I ever actually go out of town or am so sick I can't answer the phone....