[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Coming to a Decision of Sorts @ Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2004

Does anyone else have fantasies about sitting on the counter of a kitchen while am unmarried Alton Brown explains the ins and outs of cooking?

I know it's not just me but I'm so happy that The Food Network has decided to air his show at seven every weekday. I drop everything I'm doing at five till just to make sure I dont' miss a minute.

There's something sad about that.

Anyway - I ended up with a treasure trove of gifts today - including another $20 Starbucks card and a $50 gift card to the Polaris Mall. I dont' mean to be petty but I've never been so appreciated. This was better than my damned birthday! Robyn, the admin in teh Dayton office, called today and she didnt' even know it was Secretary's Day. Something wrong with that. I'm glad I don't work in thatoffice anymore.

But I've decided that the return to Dayton is emminent. I e-mailed my mom today, asking her - amongst other things - if we could "just go shopping some weekend 'cause I miss that" and got a reply that ended, "PS Maybe you should think about moving back to Dayton in the fall. Love, Mom." As nice as it is to be appreciated, it's nicer to be missed, I think. I e-mailed Debbie my thoughts about it and she was more than happy - the words "cheesy grin" were mentioned. It'll be a pain to find a job and move just a year later but...I freaking miss Dayton. I miss my friends, my family and I miss the damn patio of the Dublin Pub on a sunny day.

I mean, who are we kidding? I could have found another job in Dayton. I didn't have to move to Columbus just because they were dissolving my postion....I left - fled, even - becuae of Big.

It was stupid and hasty and I should have never done it. But I did and now I have to deal with it. I'm not entirely unhappy here...just mostly unhappy.

So there.