[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Crankiness and Elivs at the Mall @ Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003

I'm so cranky today. Just that horrible, can't do anything about it kind of cranky.

And cramping. And bloating. And hating my new red hair and my zit infested face (damned new birth control). And totally noticing the five or ten pounds I've gained since I moved here....

And I had such a good day yesterday. Found out a friend is having twins, got some Christmas shopping done and a few cards ready to send out....

Today, though: cranky since I crawled out of bed.

So tell me, is it kismet when you notice a guy - cute, a little heavier version of Elvis Costello - at a furniture shop at the mall, you smile at one another and nod...and then you see each other again, in the housewares department, across the street at Target?

I kind of thought so but also thought Elvis would think I was nuts if I said anything.