[ emily�s sushi bar ]

She Misses Her Some Emily @ Monday, Dec. 29, 2003

Oh how good it feels to be missed! My boss actually hugged me when I came in this morning, told me how much she missed me and took me out for pulled pork at Hoggy's.

All that and I was only off for two business days.

She loves her some Emily and I loves me some boss.

I actually cleaned the bathroom tonight! I came home and promised I would only sit on the couch long enough to finish reading Little Big Man and actually listened to myself. The rest of the apartment is in a bit of disarray but I feel accomplished. Taking a shower in the morning in my shiny bathroom will be a joy.

I left the floors, though. That's an evening in itself. My bathroom and kitchen are small but I HATE to mop. If I mop it'll be the only cleaning I'll want to do on that particular day.

I am broke. Broke, broke, broke. Spent way too much on Christmas and now have something like seventy dollars to last me until next Friday. Plus they overpaid me eight hours on my last chek so this one was eight hours short. What a bitch at Christmas time. I got so low that I actually bounced a check which I never do. By fucking thirty-six cents! And then I was charged twenty-six bucks for bouncing it! I'm going to call tomorrow to see if they'll remove the charge. I was paid the next day for Pete's sake. Hopefully I'll get someone with a little leftover Christmas spirit. Someone who also went a little buck wild at Christmas.

Being broke is such a desperate feeling. My brain searches for some way to come up with some extra cash. My grandmother gave me fifty dollars for Christmas and I was going to save it to buy patio furniture in the spring but it looks like I may have to pay myself back at a later date. Income tax time or something. I filled out my expense report for the Dayton trip and cashed in forty of my personal hours today but I most likely won't see any of that until next Friday anyway.

Well, I'll be rolling in cash next week.

Off to get my laundry. Yes, I even did a load of laundry tonight! Wow, Uber Cleaning Girl!