[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Your Negative Attitude Makes Me Ill @ Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004

I am so tired this morning but am halfway through a Chocolate Brownie Frappuchino in hopes that I'll be able to get through this hectic day without sneaking off to my car for a nap.

I talked to The Engineer last night for over two hours - two very quick hours. I can't even remember what we talked about (one thing I do remember: he owns the card game Milles Bournes which I love but no one I know has ever heard of it) but it was a great conversation.. We're getting together tomorrow night. I'm actually excited about this one. Like I might actually get ready an hour ahead of time rather that twenty minutes.

I came to work and found three e-mails. One from him thanking me for the great conversation and mentioning that he's excited about tomorrow night, one from John the Barbershop Quartet Guy, letting me know that he was going to me out of town this weekend (so what?) and one from Denny that made me sick. He's so damn negative. He had asked me to do something this weekend but I was hoping to have plans with the engineer, plus I just want some time to myself so I declined. His exact words in reply - amongst other drivel - were, "If you already have plans for the weekend, it's all good. I'm just low man on the totem pole." I wanted to e-mail him, "You know what? Your negative attitude is such a turn off that I don't think I want to put any more time into this relationship. Good luck."

Instead I said, "I'm busy this weekend, Mr. Low Man on the Totem Pole but will try to give you a call," and didn't even sign the e-mail. At some point this weekend - when I'm on the couch and the phone is on the kitched table - I'll attempt to reach for the phone to call and obviously fail because he's not worth the effort walk across the room. That'll be my "try."

Men. Meh.