[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Not the Internet & Blah Blah Blah @ Sunday, Feb. 29, 2004

I had to write an entry today. I mean, it won't be February 29th for another four years. That's something, isnt' it?

Friday I spent the day sneezing and miserable - it was a nice day so my allergies just wanted to make sure I couldn't enjoy it. Anyway, after I got back from lunch I e-mailed John to let him know that I just didn't feel well enough to go out and also said that I would call him after work in case he didn't get the e-mail. I stopped at Lowe's to look at shelf brackets before picking up kitty litter and cat food at Traget on my way home. Of course he called while I was at Lowe's. I bowed out as gracefully as I could and told him I had stopped to get the above mentioned items before heading home to a Sudafed, the couch and my pyjamas.

I don't know if I just didn't sound sick or if it was the sound of the Lowe's loudspeaker in the back but he didn't seem to believe me.

And, of course, I sneezed five times in a row after we eneded the call.

So I sent him an e-mail apologizing - probably a little too profusely - and haven't heard from him since. I can't decide if I should call him today - I've got lots of time since I'm driving to Dayton - or just let it go since I don't like him all that much anyway. I'd hate for him to think of me as The Girl Who Faked Sickness to Skip Out on Our Date. I was really sick.

Anyway, I met Denny yesterday at a coffee shop at the mall. Even though we had seen pictures of one another, he felt that he wouldn't recognize me so I told him I would be the girl wearing red shoes, reading a book, with an orange poppy laying beside it. Kind of You've Got Mail-ish. He said he didn't expect red Chucks but was pleasantly surprised. It was a bit awkward for the first five minutes but was pretty comfortable after that. It was a really odd, yet good, place to meet, though. We finished our coffee, walked around the mall - taking time to sit on park benches to chat - and actually did some shopping. Strange, very strange on a "first date." And he bought a book! I went out on a date with a boy who reads! That is INCREDIBLY exciting.

Anyway, it did go well - I feel more attraction to him that John but it's till Not There so much. I mean, he's got kind of oily skin - just kind of - and I was thinking, "How could I intruduce facial care products into this man's life without hurting his feelings? Is Queer Eye accepting applications from states other than New York yet?"

Michaela may be right and the Internet is just not the place to meet Mr. Right.

Doesn't help that I compare every man I meet to Big. I'm sorry, but if you put aside the fact that he was married and lied on several occassions, he was pretty much perfect for me, likes and personality-wise. It's hard to move on after that and if I think about it anymore I think I'll start crying and I'm out of cigarettes.

Denny, on the other hand, is already mad about me (and why shouldn't he be?). Not to toot my own horn but you can kinda tell, you know? There were just things that he said that made me think, "This boy would call me his girlfriend right now if he thought it wouldn't freak me out."

Argh. Just argh.