[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Another Weird Dream and a Boy Who Sucks @ Saturday, May. 29, 2004

Last night I dreamed that I had ran into Alton Brown at a shop or something and he offered to give me lessons on how to make deviled eggs....

For some stupid reason I invited Mia, this girl in my office that I can't stand. But before the lessons were to take place, Alton called and invited me to stop by and see him at his office. There, he told me that he couldn't give me the cooking lesson when he origianlly told me he could - which was a Friday night - because he had seen hits coming to his website from my journal, which he read and found out I had a crush on him and it would just be inappropriate for us to be together on a Friday night because he was married....

I didn't tell Mia that the class had been changed and showed back up at his office on Wednesday after work but instead of learning how to make deviled eggs, we went to some shi shi restaurant with my brother. (!?)

I paid for my tab with my debit card and we left and my brother and I asked him if he wanted to have a beer with us at this Irish bar around the corner. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't signed for my tab or gotten my card back so I said I'd be right back. My stupid brother went with me, I got my card and we went back to the bar but Alton was gone.

We checked a few other bars in the area but he was no where to be found.


In real life, the Boy and I were supposed to go to a baseball game with Amber and J.R. last night. Note the word "supposed."

The Boy called me about eight times throughout the day 'cause I was off work and he wasn't. He mentioned that he was nervous about meeting my friends but never said that he didn't want to go and it didn't seem that he was too freaked out so I didn't offer to cancel.

In the last phone call I told him that we were just going to meet them there but we had to figure out how we were going to get there which is always a huge to do. Finally, I suggested that he pick me up because I didn't know how to get to his house or to the stadium. He mumbled something about how he had done all of that cleaning for nothng. Whatever. I had bought his kind of beer and cleaned my house, too - so there.

He said something about not wanting to get there right at seven when the game started which was fine but he wanted to pick me up at eight or eight-thirty which is too damned late so we decided on six-thirty.

So my phone rings at six. He had just gotten home from work and had had a rough day so he was running late. He was acting funny but I wasn't going to let him off the hook unless he came right out and said whatever was bothering him.

Then he calls back fifteen minutes later to tell me he hasn't moved from the couch since he called and he's really tweaked about meeting my friends. He's obsessed about it all day to the point of no return.

He's thirty-three...give me a break.

I let him ramble for awhile and then offered to let him skip it or for both of us to skip it (which I didn't want to do) and do something else.

After several minutes of trying to explain himself (which only made him seem crazier) he opted out completely and I quickly got off the phone because I was a.) a bit pissed off and n.) needed to call Amber so they could perhaps come over to pick me up.

But before I got off the phone, he asked that I not read anything into it other than he was freaked out and that he'd like to hear about all the fun he missed. I laughed and told him I'd call him Saturday. (But was thinking, We'll see about that.)

I called Amber but got no answer and ended up getting directions via mapquest and meeting them there, alone.

You know, had he been meeting my mom and dad, I would understand. I mean, Big had to lake a muscle relaxer before he met my parents for the first time (seeing as how they were only the second set of parents he'd ever met). But these were just a couple of my friends.

I called Debbie before I left just to ask her opionion (and to have someone to smoke with before I had to leave). I thought maybe it was just too soon for him to meet my friends. But we'd been out on three dates and have basically talked everyday for over a month. Come on. It's time.

She think there's something socially wrong with him.

Amber thinks he's married but seeing as how we've talked until all hours several nights and he wanted me to come over, I don't think that's true.

But it would be my luck, woudln't it?

So I'm not sure if I want to call him today or any day. He's a pain in the ass to make plans with - high maintenance who thinks he's low maintenance - and this thing with my friends was just a little too wierd. Plus he went out drinking every night this past week which I didn't particularly like. Especially since we were supposed to ge ttogether at some point during the week and it never happened. And he smokes pot (which is a funny story in itself but I'll save that for a later date). I don't because it makes me incredibly paranoid and I've gotten sick on it which was a horrible, awful experience. I don't mind if others smoke it but I don't particularly want to date someone who does.

So the cons kinda outweigh the pros here.

Oh, and I didn't renew my eHarmony membership. I'll miss how easy it is to meet new people on it but not the losers that I've went to a lot of trouble and expense to meet.

So that was my sucky ass night. Well, not really - I had a good time once I got there but the prior events left a bad taste in my mouth.

Kind of like going to back to the bar to find that Alton's not there.