[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Flo's Blues @ Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004

Well I don't know why I came here tonight
I've got a feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I don't know how I'll get down the stairs

I drove home tonight at an even seventy miles per hour - ten below my usual. I don't know if I'm tired or what but it felt as if someone were pushing against my foot from beneath the pedal. This would make more sense if I passed a cop and could blame it on women's intuition but I didn't.

Today was yet another Bad Day. I had my second cry of the week...in the middle of a Hallmark store. It wasn't a card that made me cry; it was a phone call. A phone call to yet again remind me of how fucked up my life is right now.

I came home with my hair dye and cheap pizza and reached into the fridge for a Diet Coke but I spotted a lone Mich Ultra in the back and decided that would taste much better this evening. And it does.

I'm in a rut and at the worst time. I'm not one for PMS, really - I get MS instead. The emotional overload hits me the day my cycle begins which makes the experience that much more of a nightmare. I would have loved to have stayed in bed today or at least went home to curl up on the couch around noon but work is so hectic, I've been staying late every night.

I am in no emotional state to begin a relationship that I don't really want to begin in the first place but Denny really likes me and inflates my ego via phone and e-mail daily. Today I heard nothing which was okay. I don't want my phone to ring tonight. I want to color my hair, eat my disgustingly unhealthy two dollar pizza and go to bed. I only want to worry about ironing something to wear tomorrow...I don't want to entertain or be entertained by anyone.

By Monday, though, I should feel better. I have my fingers crossed.