[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Weight Loss Shock @ Friday, Mar. 05, 2004

At four-thirty yesterday I decided to drive to Dayton to join my friends at a small party/gathering at one of our favorite old hangouts.

By seven I was hugged and kissed and loved and beered...I really needed that.

By eight, a wild hair convinced me to call up one of my long ago exes and invite him out for a drink with us. I had ulterior motives, though. He was a big boy when we dated but has lost over a hundred pounds over the past year and I was dying to see how he turned out.

I was shocked when he agreed to come out and even more shocked when I saw him. It wasn't like talking to Doug, My Ex, at all. It was like talking to him on the phone while this complete stranger stood in front of me, listening. Or perhaps like talking to Doug's much skinnier brother.

I'm just weirded out by the whole thing. I've never seen anyone lose so much weight. Plus I hadn't seen him in over a year and back then he was at his heaviest so I didn't see him at all during the transition.

Weird, weird, weird.

He hugged me goodbye much later than I ever thought he'd stay and told me to call him the next time I was in town. Debbie must have asked me five times through out the night if I felt anything for him. Nope. I didn't feel much for him in the year we dated either. I'm sure his house is still a pigsty and he probably still has ugly feet.

Yes, one of the reasons I broke up with him was the fact that he had incredibly ugly feet. I couldn't stand it. I've grown since then - Big had pretty ugly feet as well.

Both John and Denny want to go out with me tomorrow night. What a quandry.

Not really, since I don't really like either of them....