[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Annoyed & A Little Lonesome @ Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004

Having friends who are also co-workers sometimes sucks. Annie and I were good friends but she has recently crossed into the world of "You're Too Annoying at Work to be My Friend After Work."

You can explain something to her at two on a Wednesday and by four, she's forgotten and is asking again - mostly because she doesn't listen when you explain it the first time. I also think she's one of those people who feels something...everything is owed to them. As if we are all her servants, just waiting to fufill her every need. She comes on so sweet, with compliments and "sweetie" this and "honey" that...then she asks for something. "One more small favor," she says and they're never that small.

Today she ate a stinky oniony salad and camped out at the spare computer next to me all afternoon, asking too many questions, needing too many favors. I couldn't even look at her I was so afraid I might claw her eyes out.

And whenever I leave my desk, she answers the damned phone. Sure, she's trying to help but it's just a hindrance. Let the damned thing go to voice mail. Then she made a jokey comment about not helping me out anymore by answering the phone. I never asked you to answer it - just let it go.

I'm annoyed and going through a "I Wish I Didn't Live in Columbus" phase right now...miss my friends and Debbie's not coming up until the 17th. I want to spend the evening at the Trolley, drinking Cap'n and Diet Cokes, playing pool and flirting with young boys.

And, as usual, my mind has been flooded with thoughts of Big. I'm tired of sleeping alone, of bad first dates and long weekends.