[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Asshole Alert @ Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004

So that guy that I went out with on Friday called last night. Why I even answered I have no idea.

Two things that totally ticked me off:

First of all, as we were talking he was driving through my neighborhood which, as I've mentioned before, is a predominantly gay neighborhood. As he pointed out where he was he said, "I hope no fags get a look at my ass." WHAT?! I said, "I'm sure you don't need to worry about that." (I'm thinking, I've seen the men in this neighborhood and you're nothing compared to some of these hotties) He replied, "Oh, I guess girls don't really mind that" or something like that and I said, "Yeah, but they mind when men make comments like that." Then he got all defensive, saying he wasn't homophobic and blah blah blah.

Then as we were talking about buses and I asked what the buses were called in Columbus. "CODA and do you know what RTA [what the buses were called in Dayton] stands for?" "Regional Transit Authority," I answered. And he said, "No, Return To Africa." I told him I didn't find that funny at all because my grandfather drive a bus for thirty years. He got all defensive and sorry about that too!

Can you believe this asshole!? I'm changing his name in my cell phone to read, "Asshole" so that I don't answer it.