[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Uncontrollable Assholes @ Monday, May. 24, 2004

It's eight sixteen on a Monday morning and I think I could already run around this office screaming and randomly hacking at things with an ax.

I'm just trying to convey my frustration.

There's this one arrogant, piggish customer that gave us quite a bit of trouble a couple of months ago. I don't think I rambled about him but he was very rude and condescending, but Vicki and I did what we could to help him. As I was printing off his proofs in order to have them before Vick called him back, he called and complained that no one had called him back. A mere five minutes had passed, I think, and Vick was on the other line anyway. I finally blew up at him and explained, rather hotly, that I was trying to prepare for a call back and would have Vick call as soon as she got off the phone. I not only printed the proofs but faxed them to him and mailed them.

After ten minutes of hearing him complain this morning that his white page ad is wrong and he's being sued (he said that he was served papers the other day and by the end of the convo he said he hadn't received them but that they were mailed) he says, "I hope you take this more seriously than you did the last time I called."

I just stopped, speechless.

Hopefully he was using the word "you" collectively and not actually speaking directly to me. But he is delusional after all.

I had been asking questions throughout the ten minute conversation, feigning interest...after that comment I just said, "I'll have someone call you."

I'm having trouble remembering exactly what he said because I was boiling at this point but he said something else and I just laughed - one of those chuckles that lets the other person know that you're just biting back what you really want to say because you know what you really want to say would only make matters worse - and said, "Nevermind...just give me your number and I'll have someone call you."

He gets off on being an asshole, I can tell, because when I got bitchy with him last time he was suddenly respectful and appreciative. It's fucking Monday morning, I had a good weekend with the zoo and plenty of sleep, I talked to the Boy last night, we're getting together this week, all is good - I don't need this asshole carpet cleaner to call in and ruin it all just because he shouldn't have spent so much on his yellow page advertising and can't pay his bills.

A whole entry. Wasted.

But I do kinda feel better.