[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Sleepy Goodness @ Thursday, May. 20, 2004

It's funny, I was completely amped up for my date last night until he called around noon to work out the logistics.

Ten minutes of "When do you want to meet?" "I don't care." "Where do you want to meet?" "I don't care" was incredibly exhausting....It put a damper of sorts on the whole thing.

But I buzzed out of here early, showered and picked up the apartment since he was coming to pick me up. And, of course, I broke into the Disaranno which is my absolute favorite now. Disaranno and Diet Coke. After a year or more of looking, I finally have a new signature drink.

Anyway, I actually met him upstairs/outside and was pleasantly tipsy and showing huge amounts of cleavage so I felt much better about the whole thing.

The show was good - actually the first half sucked but the second half more than made up for it - and we sat close without touching. You could almost see the little sparks in the dark...maybe not sparks but whatever two people feel when they kinda wanna touch one another but they're not sure how to go about it. Maybe there's just a low hum or something.

Anyway, after, we stopped upstairs for a beer where I ran into the guy who's CD release party I missed a few weeks ago. Freaking small world. Anyway, the Boy was getting ready to order another drink when I offered my patio. We left quickly, stopping for smokes and beer on the way home.

We sat outside until three-ish. On a school night! I can't even begin to remember all of the things we talked about but we did talk about eHarmony a bit and how he got into it. I pointed out several things about him that made me happy such as the fact that he didn't ask to see me again at the end of our first date. And I also told him that he was the first eHarmony guy that made me feel like a girl. Then he said he wished he'd had more time before he came to pick me up because he had really wanted to stop for flowers. Aw.

The cats loved him. He loved the cats. He liked my apartment and was totally okay with the fact that I have a lot of teddy bears....

I have this quote on my fridge: "She has learned that her body is precious and it musn't be offered carelessly ever again, as it has a direct connection to her heart." from Steve Martin's book, Shopgirl. Anyway, the Boy couldn't help but read it as he grabbed a beer. I thought about erasing it before he came over - I mean, I wouldn't want him to think I was mad crazy sleepin' around - but decided not to. That quote is very important to me. A mantra of sorts.

So he noticed it. And he agreed. We had a discussion of sorts (overused phrase all the sudden) about sex and how there's really no need to rush into anything. That was a great relief.

Oh, and he kissed me.

At four in the morning. As he was getting ready to leave.

Then he said he didn't want to go but I playfully pushed him away and told him that was just a teaser, a trailer for things. He climbed over the wall of my patio (the exit men seem to chose recently), blew me a kiss and was gone.

All in all I feel pretty good about it. Granted, three hours of sleep doesn't quite cut it but I've had two Diet Cokes and a Frappuchino and feel mostly awake. Unfortunately, I have to drive to Dayton for an eye appointment in a few hours and am meeting Deb for drinks around five.

Drinks. Ugh.

Think I'll leave here a little bit earlier that I had intended so I can take a nap before heading out. And how tired I am will effect whether or not I hit up the bead store in Yellow Springs...might just take a longer nap....
