[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Another Bounced Check @ Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004

Bounced another check...the day before my paycheck was deposited.

The worst part? I had a $108 tax refund check sitting on my desk because I thought I was fine and didn't want to deposit it until it was an emergency.

That means I'm depositing a $108 check that's really only work $78. Fuck.

But I wrote down the two bills I can afford to pay as well as my rent check and am writing everything in my checkbook now. I've wasted $60 in the past two months on bounced check fees.

Damn I'm so mad that I didn't deposit that check last week anyway.

Now I have $112 to last me until next Friday...less if I actually paid the bills I need to pay.

I need a second job or a better job.


I hate being irresposonsible and broke at the same fucking time.