[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Crankiness and Boys Who Lie and Stuff @ Thursday, May. 27, 2004

I have about twenty minutes worth of work to do today. That's it. Same as yesterday.

So I've been perusing FanFiction.Net just for fun. I found one Labyrinth story that I liked. I'm still a sucker for that movie...how a twelve year old girl could develop a crush on David Bowie as the Goblin King I don't know, but I did.

So I talked to the Boy last night and the reason he didn't answer the phone when I called the night before was because he was out drinking with him friends. He couldn't join me at the bar...no, he had to get some rest so he could work overtime that he didn't work...then he goes to the bar anyway. Men.

I didn't say anything but I could tell he wished he hadn't said anything, that he hadn't slipped. There was a second or two of silence, of him waiting for me to saying something.

Oh, and to add to the weirdness...he was...ummm...pleasuring himself when I called on Tuesday but saw my number on the caller ID and decided to answer (he stopped actually pleasuring himself to answer which is good). I really didn't want to now that but at least I know now where I stand. Teetering there above an orgasm.

We're supposed to get together tomorrow night. I hung up the phone last night, looked at the cats and sighed, "I don't even feel like going out with him Friday night."

And I don't.

I hate dating.

But we have free Clipper tickets here at the office so I snagged a few and left a message for Amber asking if she wanted to double.

Still sucks, though.