[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Men Suck, Really @ Tuesday, May. 25, 2004

Men are so damned frustrating. Really.

I don't miss the games and the bitchiness - male bitchiness. Yes, men get bitchy.

And the Boy and I have been out on exactly three dates.

Bitchiness already.

The shame.

I called him at five to let him know a bunch of us were going to the bar for happy hour and he was welcome to join us. He seemed bummed out (his word, not mine) because he had plans but would call me later.

At seven-thirty he calls to let me know he's on his way home. I ask if he wants to join us and he sounds interested but at the last minute says he's working overtime this week and needs sleep.

Okay, when I talked to him earlier he told me that the contract worked out due to his strike specifically said there was no mandatory overtime.

So I pointed that out and he said he didn't want to work it if he was told to but would do it voluntarily.

Okay, fine, he can't join us at the bar. He says he was on the fence until a few minutes ago but no. I laughed and, flirtingly, said I would sway him otherwise but know he needs to get some rest.

I totally wasn't serious. About swaing him, I mean.

So he tells me that it isn't that he doesn't want to meet my friends which I never thought in the first place and reiterates that he isn't "going to the bar." And the words were all in invisible quotes any everything.

Okay, I understand, it's cool.

So there was I'll talk to you later or tomorrow or whatever and we hung up.

I called Annie on my way home for some girly advice as to whether or not I should actually call (I even contemplated not answering when he calls tomorrow but games suck) and she said it sounded like he would've come over for a beer or whatever if it weren't so far away or if it were just a beer at my place and she said I should call him.

So I did. At nine. An hour and a half after I talked to him.

No answer.

I realize I'm blowing things out of proportion but is this what dating's like? I've forgotten all of the shitty aspects.

I didn't leave a message and wish I hadn't called so he wouldn't see it on the caller ID and I'm frustrated for no particular reason and am ashing all over my keybord so I'm going to go fall asleep on the couch.