[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Whole Bunch Nothing @ Sunday, Feb. 08, 2004

Hmmm. I clicked "Add an entry" and realized I really don't have much to say.

My apartment is about an hour away from being completely clean which it hasn't been in a while.

I got to open communication stage with a guy on eharmony that I really like.

Yesterday I went to a benefit for the children's hospital back home (it sounds wierd to be able to say "back home") and actually won a door prize. I'm not ususally that lucky.

I also received one really good hug at the benefit. Damn how I love a good hug. I always run into a bunch of the old ladies I worked with at the Hallmark store so there were lots of hugs but only one really good one. One that was actually a hug - not a loose embrace. It came from Jay, the only guy at the benefit. He hugged me and told me how much he missed seeing me. In fact, I got another good hug when I said goodbye to him. Lucky me! He didn't look so good but I didn't want to ask - or really know, out of fear. His hair looked good,though. He had bleached it only because he thought the boy on the box was cute.

I went over to my mom's last night and she made me my first whiskey sour and when my dad called from Japan last night she said she was getting drunk. I found that really amusing. My mom's not really a drinker but she loves her whiskey sours. She had one sour and two beers - yeah, my mom probably was drunk by the end of that second beer.

I don't know why I keep eating clam chowder. Every time I eat it, it gives me a tummy ache.

I just had chowder for lunch.

Tonight I'm making myself a real meal. Red meat and vegetables and crusty bread.

If my tummy gets better, that is.