[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Cluttah @ Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004

I've lived here for four months and realized, when I was looking through my closet this morning, that some parts of my apartment look like it's only a temporary move. Like parts of my brain said, "Ah, just stuff that on the top shelf of your closet...you'll be moving in a year anyway."

Granted, I don't really want to stay in this particular apartment but...it was still weird to realize.

So I cleaned the kitchen, Soft Scrubbed the counters and all, watched Will & Grace and decided to tackle the closet. I hung some of my hats on nails - including the big witch hat with a greean boa wrapped around the brim - and am now not feeling so motivated.

That's my life recently. Unmotivated. I've never been so messy in my life. But no one comes over so why pick up? I have so much stuff it just looks like clutter (which always sounds like "cluttah" in my head) anyway.

Anyway, must stop feeling sorry for myslf and get my clothes on hangers....