[ emily�s sushi bar ]

I'm Not Complaining @ Friday, Oct. 10, 2003

Last night I had the best veggie gyro I've ever had. It was pretty damned close to the best sandwich I've ever had, period. Hummus and marinated artichoke hearts with roasted red peppers...wonderful.

But today I feel like crap. I'm glad to finally be having a period but it's killing me. I'm crampy, tired and just feeling generally sick. I just want to be curled up on the couch with my cats.

And maybe a boy.

One certain boy looked very handsome today in his vaguely Queer Eye suede jacket.

A certain boy - ha! He's a little over a year from forty. I can't think of him as a man, though. He doesn't act it or look it.

There are really very few males that I can think of as a man....