[ emily�s sushi bar ]

A Fresh Start & a New Journal @ Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003

Emily here. I've been with Diaryland for less than a year and I've moved three times now.

This is the last time. I swear.

I had quite the stalker perusing my last journal for information that wasn't there...checking in on me seven or eight times a day.

It was creepy.

Besides, sometime in the next week, the cats. Mina and Lucy, and I are moving to Columbus so I thought it was a good time to give the Chick a new start.

Speaking of moving...damn there's so much to do! I have three whole boxes packed. Woo-hoo. But I have to say that I'm getting more excited with each passing moment. I was really nervous about moving - even though I'm only moving an hour and a half away - but I'm beginning to see it for the opportunity that it really is.

I don't have a place to live, though, and that makes me very nervous. But a friend is going to look at apartments with me on Monday. Cross your fingers that I find something decent with A/C and washer dryer hook up.

And, for those of you who knew me in My Other Life, I'm not pregnant! I'll tell that story some other day but what a week of hell. Let me tell you, pregnancy tests are NOT RELIABLE. I had two come up negative, then two come up postive, then another negative...finally I had a blood test done. Argh.

Both my ob/gyn and Planned Parenthood deemed me pregnant without a blood test or pelvic exam. Scary. If you're ever not so sure...demand a blood test. Take it from me!

Anyway, I should get back to packing. The 'rents are coming over tomorrow night to help and I'd really like to have a good chunk of it done...

Cheers to Starting Over!