[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Fuck 2003 @ Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004

I'm not going to jump on the ever popular "Let's Reminisce About 2003" bandwagon.

2003 is better off forgotten.

I also will not catalogue a huge list of resolutions as I don't believe in them. They're just promises you probably won't keep that will lead to disappointment. Now why would anyone purposefully cause themseves pain like that?

But I made myself a promise. A promise I should have made to myself weeks ago, that has nothing to do with the new year.

I'm going to be happy from now on - with brief interludes of other emotions as one can't be happy all of the time - for the most part, though, I will be happy or striving to be happy. I'm not going to wallow in loneliness and memories.

Fuck memories. Fuck 2003.

It's time to embrace 2004.