[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Resolutions & Slam Books @ Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003

I had New Years Eve plans. Plans to stay home, drink a bottle of champagne, have a pork chop for dinner and Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream for dessert.

I didn't want to see anyone, get drunk and cry or drive to Dayton.

Then Debbie called when I didn't immediately reply to her "What are your New Years plans" and now my plans have changed.

I'm going to see lots of people, get drunk and probably cry and drive to Dayton.

Her brother and sister-in-law have a party every year. I've never made it for one reason or another but it's supposed to be a great time. All of my Dayton friends will be there.

With their significant others. Argh.

She told me that she heard Ted was looking forward to me being there and he hopes I don't bring a date. Ted's okay. I talked to him on the phone a lot right before I met Paul and we always flirt but he's a huge pot head and besides, he's a GU. Georaphically Undesirable.

But he's looking forward to seeing me and so is everyone else. And the drive is only an hour and a half.

So I agreed. Well I never really agreed but said I would think about it and let her know tomorrow.

Then she brought up the Slam Book. Ted had the idea the night I was in Dayton and went to that benefit thing that. A Slam Book on New Years would be fun. So I took the job.

And tonight I made a Slam Book. Complete with a pink cover and leopard print trim. My favorite question is, "What vegetable do you most resemble?" I'd say a peach, personally.

So now I've got the Slam Book and I've committed myself. But I'm still dreading the drive; I'm tired and broke and depressed.

And did I mention that Tim called from Florida today? Yeah, he had his first sober day in over a week yesterday. Because Renee decided not to drink. He brought his girlfriend. She met his mom, she got to travel somewhere with him like he always said we would.

And they've only been dating for a few months.

See, being lonely when someone you used to see is so happy...it sucks.

But I promise myself to take all this negative energy and put it to good use this weekend. I'm going to clean till this place shines, organize the living room closet and change out my summer clothes for winter sweaters.

So there.