[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Peter Gabriel and Self-Depreciation @ Sunday, Jan. 25, 2004

I slept until nine, read for three hours and then crawled into bed and slept until three...but still managed to get all of the Christmas stuff boxed up! I'm still in my cow pjs but feel accomplished.

It's snowing outside but I still feel the urge to bundle up and walk over to the CVS for Diet Coke and a pack of smokes - one can of soda in the frige and one lonely smoke left in the pack. I know me pretty well, though. I'll stay home, take a hot shower, clean the bathroom, and watch celebrity poker at nine instead. I can't miss Jack Black.

Yesterday was great. We got lots of snow but it was a sunny day and the roads were dry so I met Amber out for a day of shopping, lunch at a seedy Mexican place and a night of Sex in the City, black bean quesadillas and white wine. An odd mix but it made for a great time. I bought Peter Gabriel's new CD while I was out. I'm so out of the music loop that I didn't even know he had a new one out until we were standing in line at Best Buy and I heard his voice, "Is that...?" I said. "Peter Gabriel," she finished. "That makes me," I started to back away, "want to go buy a new Peter Gabriel CD!"

Damned in-store advertising got me again.

On a quick, other note: isn't it great how some of us can ignore and delete ourselves into believing we're okay - that nothing bad or uncomfortable ever happens? That who we currently are is all we'll ever be - even if who we are doesn't make us happy or feel complete - and it'll never get any better?

I don't follow that self-pitying philosophy myself. But some people do.