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Michael Caine is Good in Bed @ Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004

I had a strange dream last night. So strange that I just crawled out of bed a few moments ago, logged on and grabbed a Diet Coke; feeling that I had to write it down, it was so weird.

I was in bed with Michael Caine and he was telling me that he'd never really find anyone to love him. I remember thinking, "Should I say anything?" in the dream and I must have decided to because I said, "You know I've always loved you."

And he looked at me and we kissed and I remember the sex being absolutely phenomenal - could be due to my lack of Real Life Sex.

Afterwards I was standing at the counter of a junk shop - like he lived above it or something - putting my earrings back on. There was a man a small boy shopping there and I must have been wearing knee high hose (which I never actually wear), pre-sex with Michael Caine, because one of them was lying on the floor next to me. The man made some noise of disgust and moved it with his shoe. I looked down and thought it looked like a used condom and was disgusted as well until I realized it was my hose.

There were other scenes that I don't really remember...something about being lost in a limo, stopping at my great-aunt's house to pick up a pair of blue shoes of hers I had always liked and being at a street festival in a small town. My college Creative Writing professor was there but just on the outskirts and I could never get his attention to say hello. And I danced in the street with some young, good-looking guy and Michael Caine caught me and I remember feeling horrible and confused because I wasn't sure if we were actually seeing one another or if it was okay for me to see other people.

It was really weird. I dream about celebrities a lot and two of my dreams are supposedly in a book called Julia Roberts on Mars: And Other Dreams About Celebrities by Gary Socol, a producer for the E! Channel but I've never found a copy. I sent them to him when I was back in college. We had a couple of phone conversations and I actually had to sign some papers that said the dreams were no longer mine, I had no rights to them. I actually found my copy of the papers when I went through my trunk/coffee table a few weekends ago.

Strange dreams indeed.