[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Miscellany @ Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004

Something is wrong with the heat in my apartment. It's freezing in here. So cold that I'm tempted to skip laundry night again and curl up under a blanket on the couch with a cat or two and the remote. Little Mina just can't get comfortable in my lap as I sit here...although she's tried several times, looking at me with those lazy eyes that say "get off the damned computer."

Paul's song is on. "Can't Stop Loving You," one of those utterly depressing Phil Collins songs. I haven't heard from him - Paul, of course, not Phil Collins - since I replied to his rather jealous e-mail.

Speaking of jealousy...Tim so easily gets on my nerves. He's the only rep that would have the nerve to walk in at five till five and want me to print up four documents and make ten stapled copies for his training session at five-thirty. The session he's known about for days. Not my fault he's been lounging on the beaches of Miami for two weeks. Luckily, he could sense that even a "you hair looks nice" comment was not going to keep me past five. He made the copies himself.

He's got to be nervous. Tomorrow is D-Day. Every rep has to meet with the Bosses tomorrow and explain why most of them aren't doing their job. Tim is at the bottom of that barrel and it doesn't make the fact that he thinks he was undeservedly demoted from manager to rep look very valid.

And he's growing his hair out. Looks horrible but people won't call him Rod Stewart anymore. "You're dating Rod Stewart," Debbie said, the first time she met him.

Debbie and I have a beer and cigarettes over the phone date tonight. It's our own long distance Happy Hour. I don't have much to say, really, but I'm we'll think of something. I only have one beer in the fridge, though, so it'll be a Cosmo night, I think.

I guess I can tell her about my screen door. I've lived here for three months and just got a screen door for my patio yesterday. It was about twelve degrees outside yesterday. Could they have given it to me last week when we had several sixty degree days? No, of course not.

This week is, thankfully, flying by. Mom's coming up Saturday to take mne shopping. They gave me $100 for Christmas and my boss gave me a $100 mall gift certificate. New skirts and other various work related outfits for Emily. And a big girl purse. A grown up purse that will actually hold all of my shit.

Yeah, not going to get any laundry done again tonight. It's a good thing I love to buy panties...I could go two months without doing laundry. Except for the fact that I only have four towels and two paire of jeans that I actually like....