[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Bored but Dressed Business Feminine @ Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004

The bosses are here. The big bosses.

But they'll be in meetings so it doesn't change my day too much. Other than the meaningless chit chat at the start of the day and I the fact atht I actually kind of curled my hair and wore a skirt rather than pants today.

I hate that men can wear suits/pants but women are unprofessional if they wear pants. It doesn't really matter so much in my position - I basically wear what I want - jeans only on Fridays - but my boss constantly feels pressure to dress Business Feminine so I joined her today.

I think I hate the meaningless chit chat the most. Sure, it's nice that they take time to remember my name and stuff but it's fleeting.

I'm bored and the Krispy Kreme donuts in the next room are calling my name....