[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Money Sucks @ Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

I suck. I am miserably irresponsible when it comes to financial issues.

I'm eighty-six dollars over drawn.

And I don't get paid until Friday.

Had I paid attention to my account I wouldn't have gotten a hair cut yesterday and put it on my debit card. I would have totally skipped it. That twelve dollar hair cut is going to cost me forty two dollars plus tip.

Damn thirty-dollar overdraft charge.

They haven't tacked the charge on yet but I'm sure it will be there tomorrow. Along with the overdraft charge for another check that will probably clear tonight.

That's ninety dollars in overdraft charges. More than the total of the checks I bounced.

So I called to get overdraft protection (too late, of course) and when I asked if there was any way to have those reversed she practically laughed in my face and said that they make them that high as a deterrent (sp?) so I'd never do it again. Yeah, but three of them that add up to more than the amount spent? Ridiculous. And watch them bounce one of the checks or something so I'll owe the place thirty bucks as well.

This sucks.