[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Hot Lips @ Tuesday, May. 11, 2004

Just when I thought The Boy wasn't going to call last night...he did. Kinda late but that's okay. We talked for almost two hours - not including the forty five minute break he had to take to return a 911 page - and I crawled into bed around midnight.

It was good.

And now -

How I Met Loretta Swit

Only 'cause a couple of people have asked about it.

Anyway, I met her at the bead and gem show I went to on Friday. She has a line of jewelery and perfume called 'Swithearts' so she was there hawking her somewhat gaudy goods. We talked about the rain and I didn't get her autograph - in fact it wasn't like talking to a celebrity at all.

When I told my mom that I met her, she asked, "Was she scary looking?"

Yeah, she was. Very. Some people should say no to plastic surgery and just age naturally.

So there - ta da - that's how I met Hot Lips.