[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Pre Girls' Night @ Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003

I've forgotten how great is it to hang out with girls. Yesterday two of the girls I work with and I took a three hour lunch, ate at Changs and walked around Easton. I bought a twelve dollar martini glass. It's a fetish I have...martini glasses and panties. At least they're sexy fetishes.

Deb met me today and we did some more shopping. I bought a kick ass mask for the Halloween party next week. The store was totally for gay boys and there were several there...mmmm. Anyway, she's showering right now. Lots of primping, a Cosmo and then out for my first Girls' Night. I tried to find something new and sexy to wear but came home empty handed. I bought a cute shirt last week, though, and it'll do. It shows a little cleavage.

And how cool is my boss? She called me yesterday at four and asked if I wanted to meet her downstairs for a smoke (she was just getting back). I was out and bummed one. When we came back in she went to the ladies room and then threw a pack of cigs on my desk, "Here are some cigarettes for you," she said. I thought perhaps she was doing what Deb and I do when one of us runs out: put a few in an empty pack. Just enough to get us to our next pack. Nope, she gave me her fresh pack which we had both smoked exactly one cig apiece from. Nice. Then she let me go at four. I need to get her a card or something. Let her know how much I like working for her. I didn't do anything but help clean out her office for Boss' Day. Better to show my appreciation on an off day.

My turn to shower....