[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Cleaning in the Rain @ Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004

At this moment I'm having my first cig since New Years Eve. No I did't resolve to quit I just didn't feel like smoking. What!? I think I smoked a pack that night and haven't had the desire. Thankfully, my boss left a pack on my desk Wednesday morning (she's the Best) so I had a fresh pack for today. When I finally feel like smoking again. Nearly four days. Seventeen more and I'd have it kicked. Supposedly. Oh well. Someday.

It's been raining and I've been cleaning. I threw out three boxes of old Glamour, Cosmo and Vanity Fair magazines and some other stuff I've been hanging onto for too long to make room in my closet but didn't want to carry them upstairs and around to the dumpster so I set them up on the wall of my garden patio and went outside to throw them out. It started pouring. Luckily I didn't put all of them out there even though it wouldn't ahve mattered if I got anymore wet. I was so soaked I might as well have stepped in the shower with my clothes on.

Th apartment is clean but cluttered with things I need to find a place for - and I'm pooped but I swear I'll get it done. And then I'm going to Betty's for a well deserved black bean hummus burrito and a beer or two.