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Sad People Ain't Got No... @ Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004

I freaking love Diaryland. The support I have received when going through my rough times has really helped. A cheery word from someone I've never even met does make a difference. One person here,though, really gets on my nerves. I was going to put a link to this person using the words "one person" but I wouldn't want anyone else to waste their time reading someone so pathetic.

I strongly dislike people who are always feeling sorry for themselves without attempting to do anything about it. Sure, diaries are for this purpose but not if one continuously inflicts their sad, feeble existence upon others.

I can't even believe I wasted an entry writing about this Diarylander but he really pissed me off. And if he reads this and gets some satisfaction from it, so be it. I can get over things. Others can't and are lesser people for it.