[ emily�s sushi bar ]

The Upside to a Single's Valentine's Day @ Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day!

I think I got the best Valentine's Day card ever yesterday from my mom. It made me cry - mostly because we had had a little tiff earlier in the day. But the card made me pick up the phone and call to apologize - even though it really wasn't my place to say I'm sorry. She's the one who gets frustrated when she asks about my love life - or lack thereof - and my reply is negative. My relationships aren't like hers and dad's...I'm twenty-nine. She got married at eighteen but we don't all do things just like our parents and that's a good thing.

She just wants grandbabies (and I sure as hell want to give them to her).

I started reading The Da Vinci Code the other night and I'm completely fascinated. Must go finish it....