[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Snipers and Saint Patrick's Day @ Monday, Mar. 15, 2004

Tonight, on my way home from Dayton, they announced the full name, description, car color, make and model, and license plate number of the Columbus sniper. All this was announced while I was a mere 3/4 of a mile from 71 and 270 - where he started shooting orginally. Needless to say, I was uber nervous as they announced him "armed and very dangerous." Cross your fingers they they'll have him nabbed in the next twenty-four hours.

I'm drinking a Diet Coke and it's ten pm. Why you ask? Because Gerbera Girl doesn't have to go back to work for a week! Kudos to my reps for hitting their goal and for me working my ass off.

We're supposed to get 3 - 5 inches of snow tonight (yet I wore no jacket today) so I Giant Eagle'd on my way home and am set for a Snow Day tomorrow. Except that I just noticed I have only nine cigarettes which may warrant a trip through the snow tomorrow.

I hope they have it cleared by noon on Wednesday, though. I would hate to miss St. Patrick's Day with my friends in Dayton due to snow in March. I'd be forced to wear my cute Flogging Molly t-shirt and festive argyle socks around my apartment with no one to compliment my star shaped black and green jelly bracelets or to tell me how nice my ass looks in those jeans. That would be a St. Patrick's Day tragedy.

Now if I can just find my Celtic knot earrings - which were on my dresser but have probably been knocked to who knows where by one cat or the other.

Today my dentist told me that my teeth are wonderful - if I were a horse, he'd buy me.

No more computer tonight as I have problems being online sans cigs and I want to save as many as I can for tomorrow.