[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Summing Up the Week, I Guess @ Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004

I woke up with good intentions and tackled the kitchen, living room and kitchen table before collpasing on the couch. All day I've dreaded a call from The Engineer, phoning me to cement plans for this evening. He wants to do dinner and a movie. I never really want to see him again.

The calls came, several, and I ignored them.

I feel like a bitch for doing it but...dammit. Never ask someone on the first date if you can see them again. Last night, Amber's boyfriend gave me a great line to use the next time someone pulls that shit: "Sure, maybe we can do lunch sometime."

Lunch, that's it.

But I won't be using it any time soon as I'm done with the eHarmony thing. Too much work, too many First Dates and too much girly anticipation in the days prior to those first dates - only to be let down. Disappointed.

I'm going back to meeting men the old fashioned way. At bars.

St. Patrick's Day can be summed up in one small sentence: I showed some guy named Bob my nipple ring. Drunken silliness just like that all day. It was great, though, and I needed it. I also needed the attention I received from thr sbove mentioned older, rather handsome-ish man named Bob ("What about Bob?" he said, after I couldn't remember his name when I attempted to introduce him to my friends). He slipped away sometime between my last beer and the walk to Leo's car but that's okay. I had a dream about him last night. I was sitting beside him in a very small wicker chair, letting him hold me. The chair was in a video game parlor of all places and Michaela, even though we've never met, I swear that was you playing Dawn of the Dead or whatever that game is called...something with a gun.

Anyway, Leo, our saviour, arrived just in time to drive our drunk-Irish-for-a- day asses home.

I didn't need the hangover the next morning, though. And I certainly didn't need to get sick all over my best friend's floor at three o'clock in the morning either. But I did. I managed a damned good drunken clean up job, though.

I feel on the brink of something today. Don't know if it's good or bad but I feel it coming.

Back to work on Monday - just as I was getting used to being a Lady of Leisure.

Must shower and do something to make me feel a little less shitty about standing up The Engineer.