[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Another Sunday Night @ Sunday, Sept. 28, 2003


I've got just about everything packed but there's Stuff - stuff that doesn't really belong in any box. So it's just sitting around, making it look like I'm not finished.

I need more tape.

I just want to say I'm finished and wing it from here. I'll finish up whatever I have to finish as they're loading the truck.

"Finish" is a strange word when you type it several times in a row.

I have a bunch of trash to carry out before it gets dark. Argh. Too tired.

Can I say for the millionth time that I can't wait to be moved? To be done with Dayton for awhile?

"Damned Dayton," Tim said on the phone a few minutes ago. I thought he'd still be here and called to see if he wanted to escape with me to get something to eat and a drink or two...but he was working in Columbus. Bummer.

Tried to call Debbie and Leo before that but they're probably doing the Family Thing. I just need to get out for awhile. I'm choking on cardboard and I'm tired of looking at the mess.

Maybe I should go down to the Pub for the last time as a Dayton resident, have a drink and smoke (because I can). Sundays are such a drag, though. Just a bunch of people watching the big screen.

A nap sounds better.

A nap, a shower, off to buy tape, and then home to pack for the next few days in Columbus. I wish I had my apartment already so I could take some clothes from the closet and then maybe come back tomorrow for the cats. Maybe I'll sign the lease tomorrow and come back tomorrow night to pick up some stuff.

Probably not. Maybe Tuesday.

Too tired now.