[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Tuesday Morning @ Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2003

What is it about Rosemary's Baby that made me stay up until 12:30 to catch the last forty-five minutes? Must be Mia's hair.

I did call Tim last night and he sounded okay. It was a nice convo - like old times.

Not feeling so nostalgic today, thankfully. I think I'm going to treat myself a little bit today. Some chick I spotted at a cafe last week was wering the coolest necklace that she picked up a Lane Bryant. So I want to check that out and try to find a classy pair of fishnet hose. Now I'm all about the fishnet - just need to find some that would pass in the office. I'd like to get my nails done today as well...I'm not used to so much traffic and spend most of my parking lot-ish time chewing my nails down to nothing. Some of them have reached painful and they look really bad (they not only feel painful but look pretty painful as well).

And I'm going through the same sushi withdrawal as thintowin and might have to swing by the Big Bear on my way home. I'm a bit anti Grocery Store Sushi but I took a look at it the other night and it looked really good. Nice, fresh packages with lots of variety.

Not feeling the work thing much today...wanna go to the mall and play....