[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Work Sucks @ Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004

Work is hell. I just found out today about a new policy that makes my job an hour or two harder per day. I was nearly in tears - tears of frustration. Reps were calling for stupid reasons non-stop which is going change or I'll no longer be Fun-Loving Nice Emily instead I'll be That Bitch Who Answers the Phone....Then - after hearing a few minutes of my story, Tim offered to bring me a treat. He showed up twenty minutes later with a hot fudge brownie sundae from UDF. I put a coworker on hold, told him I loved him and gave him a hug.

Unfortunately, his additional offers of going out to get drunk were a lark because I'm here alone and he left work around four to go to his girlfriend's house to change so they could get drunk. I could have really used a drink. I nearly went back to Dayton but figured I had better put in a little OT instead.

I'm tired and about a half day behind at work. Already dreading the weekend because last weekend was so succesful and fun while this weekend holds nothing.

Nothing but not having to work, that is.