[ emily�s sushi bar ]

The Countdown @ Sunday, Oct. 05, 2003

Wow. In a little over twelve hours I'll be moving.

My mom is taking tomorrow off to help me out which I really appreciate. I need her to organize me a bit and she'll be here at seven-thirty to get me started. That'll give us an hour or two to get ready for the movers - to tie up all of my lose ends.

It feels like there are lots of them.

Plus, I think she just wants to make sure I get out and start off okay. And I'm sure she really wants to see where I'm living. I hope she doesn't freak when she sees the hallway to my apartment. The apartment itself is nice but the hallway leaves much to be desired.

I'm excited about unpacking, about decorating my new kitchen and having someone over for the first time. I hope to have visitors more often that I have in this apartment. I was a little disappointed when I talked to my granny this afternoon. She told me to call when I came back into town. She'll never come up to visit. I even mentioned that she has another granddaughter up there, my cousin Erin, so she could visit us both in one trip - wouldn't that be nice? It won't happen, though. She'll visit her sisters who live at least an hour or more away but she would never think to visit me in Columbus or my brother down in Cincy.

Kind of sad.

I had hoped to spend some time with Debbie as well but it's their first anniversary weekend so it was filled with romantic plans. Oh well - I'll be back next Saturday to venture down to the Oregon District to see everyone.

This time tomorrow night I'll be unpacking in my new place...I can't wait!

Off to balance my checkbook and call Tim....