[ emily�s sushi bar ]

This One's for You, Cox.Net @ Monday, Sept. 22, 2003

Two whole days. Two whole days with no "cox.net" showing up on my site meter. I knew she would find me eventually...all she had to do was take a good look at one of the journals on my buddy list. Congratulations, "cox.net"! You found me again!

Granted, this is an online journal. Anyone is free to read it. I never wanted it to turn into what it has turned into. It's fun and I've met a lot of great people.

So I'm not going to stop. If you, "cox.net," would like to continue to read this, then fine, read away. You'll only find the day to day ramblings of a twenty-nine year old woman. You'll read about my move and my new life in Columbus. You won't find details of of any secret rendezvous with your husband because there will be no secret rendezvous to write about. It's over and you need to accept that. You have a wonderful husband who is completely dedicated to you and the family you've created together. He wants his marriage with you to work and the fact that you are continuing to read this and perhaps talking to him about it is completely ignoring his efforts. Accept that my relationship with him is over. Like I said in my other journal...forget about the past and look toward the future. You have a future with him. Cherish it - you're a lucky woman.