[ emily�s sushi bar ]

News From The Womb @ Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003

I'm to the point now where I feel like two different people. One is going through everything that I'm going through right now and the other, who I feel closer to for some reason, just stands off to the side and watches it all happen. The second one has no feelings and no opinion on the situation...and she's very quiet.

I called my ob/gyn yesterday to cancel the appointment the receptionist made for me when she deemed me pregnant without a blood or urine test. While on the phone, she tells me that I need to come back in for another blood test.

And she wasn't going to explain why!

I had to demand to talk to a nurse and getting information out of her was nearly impossible. They detected a hormones in my blood and therefore I need to come in again, she kept saying. I think I finally just asked, "Am I pregnant or what?"

I am.

It was a faint positive. So I'm either early - which I'm not...I'd be eight or nine weeks along by now and that's not exactly early - or I am having a misscarriage.

Does shit happen to me or what?

I have so many questions and I don't know if they'll have the answers.

And I'm pissed off about the way it was handled by my doctor's office.

Anyway, there's more I'd like to say but I should get in the shower and head off to have the blood taken. That way I should know by Friday.