[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Nothing Really - Just Bored @ Tuesday, May. 18, 2004






You know, sometimes I'm afraid to click on one of the banners here because it might take me to squirrelx. I've read her a bit and she's amusing, I guess but...enough with the banners.

I bet I'm the millionth Diarylander to bitch about her banners.

What a long day. I feel all icky because I haven't really put on make up due to my eye problem thing so I kinda feel like I just woke up or something.

The Boy called this afternoon with a plan for tomorrow so I'm off the hook. We're going to a comedy impromptu show thing which should be a good time. I think the pressure is on for The First Kiss...which I'm still feeling very wary of.

I've only kissed two guys since I moved here (compared to the half million that I've dated)...that's a first for me.

I almost feel like I'll have to be drunk in order to participate. Not because he's unattractive or anything...just 'cause, I guess.

He really likes me. A lot. It shows in his conversation and the clever little things he says.

I wish I'd brought jeans to wear to the bar tonight. You know, I've gained so much weight since I moved here that only one pair of my jeans fits without utter discomfort. And that's the pair that Debbie gave me...they were too tight on her and we're about two sizes too big on me but they looked good.

Now they're on the edge of being too tight on menow.


But boys still like me. That's somethin' huh?