[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Yuckiness @ Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

What a morning.

My left eye was glued shot when I woke up and the other eye was swollen to Hunchback of Notre Dame proportions. It's still a bit swollen and it's awkward to blink but it's getting better.

I think it was the catnip. I made six of those purr pillows last night and, by the time I went to bed, my eyes were itching like crazy. Maybe I'll forgo that project although I gave a couple to people in the office who have cats and they both offered to pay me for it. I don't think it's worth the pain, though.

And, like I said, dating sucks because you worry over stupid stuff. The Boy called at tenish and we talked until two. This was the first convo that even mentioned the word "eHarmony." He wanted to know my opinion on why eHarmony matched us up. I don't really have an answer to that because, even though they advertise the twenty nine points, I think it's somewhat random. Most of the time the only thing I really had in common with these men was that we had both graduated college.

We even talked about astrology and when I pulled out the trust astrology book I discovered that most relationships involving a Leo are fairly negative. Anyway, a Leo - Leo relationship is particularly fiery. I don't place a lot on astrology but I think there is something to it. I certainly fit my sign. I'd also like to look at a book that analyzes your birthday compared to that of your mate considering that we share the same birth date.

I have to come up with three suggestions for tomorrow night and am at a complete loss. I really wanted to go see Shrek 2 but he hasn't seen the first one. Oh well.