[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Lazy Assed People Piss Me Off @ Saturday, Mar. 06, 2004

Oh how lazy people make so so angry!

As I walked to the grocery store I passed a guy pushing a cart with maybe four bags in it. And, of course, the cart was sitting outside of my apartment building when I got home and will sit there until someone like me takes it back.

Man, that pisses me off.

Plus, Denny called last night just as I was starting to watch a "Queer Eye" rerun and I missed the hot half-naked shot of Kyan. Damn. Oh, and misstress, it's the episode with Warren, the guy who writes musicals, in case you were wondering. Kyan, that tattoo and that hairy chest...I don't care one bit that the man's gay. Hot, hot, hot.

To top it off, I had to again tell him (Denny, not Kyan of course) that his negative attitude really turns me off. I will come up with some reason not to see him this weekend. Perhaps I'll try something new and just tell him the truth.