[ emily�s sushi bar ]

I Should Be Cleaning But.... @ Friday, Mar. 05, 2004

My car thermometer read seventy seven degrees as I drove home. Amazing. Even more amazing: they're predicting snow for Sunday.

Next week it'll rain frogs or something.

I've drank too much caffeine today and feel all funny. I'd drink some milk to calm me down but I think my half gallon expired a couple of days ago - argh. Wish the caffeine would make me want to clean my apartment since the parents are coming for a visit tomorrow. Instead it's making me lazy, forcing me to sit on the couch and think about things I shouldn't be thinking about.

I sent John an e-mail letting him know I wasn't available to cruise the gallery hop tomorrow night. Wish I could tell Denny I'm not available, period. I was thinking that dinner tomorrow won't work becuase I'm taking my parents to the Fish Market and they don't open until three...I'm not going to be hungry for dinner. And dinner was the easy out...now we'll have to come up with something else to do that I'm not all that interested in.

I did get get a request for communication from an engineer named Shawn that intrigued me. I'm not sure what intrigued me...I think it was the black and white proffessional-like photo he had posted. Or maybe it's because it's written in the stars that I marry an engineer - I've dated a half dozen of them and now just laugh when a man tells me he's an engineer. British "Sorry I Forgot to Tell You I Was Married" Paul was an engineer, Big was an engineer, Doug, the guy I saw last night was an engineer. In fact, Doug works for the company that gave my dad his first engineering job. That was a bit awkward for him when we were dating because several of the guys he worked with remembered me in diapers and got a kick out of ribbing him about it. He should have been proud (and probably way). A. I'm hot and B. I was ten years younger than him.

Anyway, I should be mopping floors or something....