[ emily�s sushi bar ]

A Strange Sense of Happiness @ Monday, Apr. 05, 2004

Keith, my ex, IMed me an hour or two ago asking about a certain area of Columbus. I told him what I knew - which wasn't much - and asked why. He never replied.

I got another IM a few minutes ago with another location and, again, after telling him what I knew, I asked why. Finally he wrote that his girlfriend was going into the OSU chem program.

Was that so hard? We haven't been a couple for over two years (I think) now and there are No Feelings there whatsoever. Gone are even the days when we'd meet for happy hour, get a little tipsy and end up smooching in the parking lot. We always said that we were probably meant to be merely friends and it took awhile for me to actually accept it but it is true. I'm happy that he's happy. I'm okay with the fact that I'm not so happy but I don't wish him unhappiness just because I'm not where I'd like to be.

And I don't expect him to ever visit me when he's up here visiting her. I may be okay with the friends thing but really don't want to meet her. It's a double standard but you'll have that. That's just part of me not being so happy right now.

Side note - I will not become one of those crazy single chicks with dozens of cats. I just wanted to see that in print 'cause - after work - I'm going to visit Amber's potentially new cat (too young to be taken away from it's mom) at Pets Without Parents and already have the urge to adopt one myself.

Another side note...I got a request for communication from Some Guy on eHarmony today. Under the question that asks about the most recent book he's read he wrote, "Too busy to read books." What?

That turns me off and I'm happy about it.