[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Things Just Keep Gettin' Better @ Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003

Some Queer Eye thoughts:

A. Thom's new haircut is gorgeous.

2. Carson's leather jacket - beautiful.

4. Kyan as a football player? Me-ow! If only he weren't gay!

Dyed my hair red tonight - a funky, freakish red which I love but it really makes my eyebrows look dark and the circles under my eyes...ouch. But will look wonderful tomorrow night at the Third Annual Pre-Thanskgiving Get Together at Boston's (I won't mention that that's where Big first met my parents...oops, I just did) with a trim in the morning, perhaps a 'brow wax and my new light green shirt.

The Fam will freak. "What has Columbus done to our little girl?!"

And actually I did it at Tim's suggestion...the gayest straight man ever. "You're awfully chipper today," he remarked on the phone to which I replied, "I just bought two Elvis Costello CDs and I think I'm going to bleach my hair blonde tonight."

"Blonde? Why don't you go red? Or pitch black with red highlights...that'd be cool."

I've done the black before and it's a bit much for my skin tone (and the red highlights would be a bitch to do at home - hell if I'll pay to let someone experiment with my hair) but red...I'd been contemplating that as well but a more realistic red. Then I found a new line by Feria, Power Reds, and had to try it.

The mix scared me...it looked like I was smearing blood on my hair, fake blood that is, but the results are a-ok.

Tonight I had dinner with another co-worker that I never get to talk to anymore and got to meet her little girl (somewhere around nine months old I think)...there goes the biological clock again....