[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Feeling Unpretty but Contemplating Blonde-ness @ Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003

Argh, this new birth control has my face in a preteen uproar. My hair is growing out funny - the 'burns and back weren't cut right to begin with. I hate what I'm wearing.

Just not likin' Me right now.

And thinking about going blonde for the holiday. The family will flip and all but the last hair stylist I had have said not to go blonde for the winter. The last one said who cares?

Yeah, who cares? Blonde by morning perhaps....

Highlight of the day (besides a nice lunch with a coworker that I like but have never really talked to much one on one): I bought two Elvis Costello CDs! So, again I'll mention: if there's anyone out there who could let him know I'd like to marry him some day, I'd appreciate it!